Dr Derek Muller: Live on Stage

Friday August 3rd, 2018

Think Inc. brings to the stage widely popular science communicator, Dr Derek Muller, together with Emmy Award winning filmmaker, Sonya Pemberton, to help answer all these confusing questions with an epic Australian premiere of their latest film, Vitamania. This year the world will spend $100 billion on vitamins and supplements. Every week, a new benefit is claimed. When we look to scientists for answers and they disagree, how do we decide whether to take vitamins or not? How do we separate the sense from the nonsense? Vitamania daringly explores the lucrative industry in a world spanning investigation of vitamin science and history, and what they discover will confound opinions on all sides. See Dr Derek Muller on stage with Sonya Pemberton, along with the Australian Premiere of Vitamania: the Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins as Think Inc. take this paramount discussion national.