Pokemon Championships Oceania

Friday February 15th, 2019 - Saturday February 16th, 2019

Join the action in Oceania's biggest #PlayPokemon event, at the Pokémon Oceania International Championships 2019!

Featuring Trading Card Game (TCG), Video Game Competition (VGC) & Pokkén Tournament DX tournaments, the Pokémon Oceania International Championships are back & better than ever. Don't miss out on your chance to experience Oceania's premier #PlayPokemon event - register online at internationals.eslpkm.com.au.

*Event hours depend on tournament schedule

Event details

Friday 15 February 2019 07:30 AM - 07:30 PM
Saturday 16 February 2019 07:30 AM - 07:30 PM
Sunday 17 February 2019 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM

Convention Centre
1 Convention Centre Place,
South Wharf, Melbourne Victoria,
Australia 3006.
How to get there Dining options